
Life In My 40's for KU Ladies... Living A Life of Faith- Devotional Reflections 1(December Edition)/ Rashea@LLO2 Academy

Devotional Scripture:   To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot see yet. -Hebrews 11:1 Honest Reflections: In those moments when life is bleak, opportunities are few, far and in-between and you are living from day to day hopeful for a breakthrough, a miracle, peace and a complete turn around in your life, you can't lose heart. The people around you maybe doubtful and even hurtful at times. Circumstances appear to portray a different reality than what God has shown you and what your dreams are, but remain in faith. Listen to the voices of those that tell you, "You can make it. We did. We are here for you. We will get through this together."  Yes, lean on those faithful few. Those who come around you without looking down on you, who hold you accountable yet express mutual understanding and compassion. They are faith boosters in the darkest of nights, light in the brightest of days. They are friends and confid...

Life In My 40's for KU Ladies... Living A Life of Faith (December Edition)/ Rashea@LLO2 Academy

"Now faith is." Is faith different in your 40's than it is when you're in your 20's and 30's? It could be different.  For most women it is. Every woman embarks on different tasks and challenges that require a different level of faith throughout her personal journey. Although our tasks and challenges may vary, we can all agree, we  need faith to get us through them.  I believe faith not only grows us as women, but faith grows with us. We grow into faith through our experiences and our relationship with God. Faith is developed.  Although, we need faith to become Christians, no one is born with faith. Faith is something we grow through and into. Faith takes root in our hearts, as we trust God and see the evidence of His power working in and through our lives and in and through the lives of others. At 43, my faith consistently is tried, pruned and reinforced. What I believed God for down through the years has demonstrated the power of God. It, also, re...

The Kingdom of God-The Vindication of God (Deuteronomy 32:35)/ Rashea@LLO2 Academy

Is anger a sin? Yes and no. We all get upset and sometimes angry over certain events we experience or see other's injustly endure. Anger is a human emotion that we all have felt and feel from time to time. Anger in and of itself is not a sin. The Bible says that even God on several occasions was furious with mankind and the children of Israel with a righteous indignation, because of their prevailing rebellion, disobedience and unbelief. God does not punish us because we experience the feeling of anger. God judges the sinful acts of malice, jealousy, violence, quarreling, vice and division that is the result of anger that is not tempered with forgiveness and godly Wisdom, love, peace and unity through prayer, the word of God and a conscience decision to do things God's way (the right way). Anger that leads to violence, abuse or intentional harm is sinful. Anger should leads us to pray not scheme, manipulate, violate the rights of others or violate rules set i...

The Kingdom of God- Overcoming the Three Headed Monster (Python, Cobra & Viper)/ Rashea@LLO2 Academy

What is Satan's 3 headed monster. Is it Satanic? Yes. Is it visible? Yes. What is it? What is this 3 headed monster that Satan has unleashed on humanity? They are spirits that work individually and together. The spirit of python, the spirit of cobra and the spirit of the viper are the 3 headed monsters.  The spirit of python is the destroyer of life. The spirit of the cobra is the militia of corruption. The spirit of the viper is the religious church (Pharisees; spirit of the anti-Christ; idolatry; mixture). These spirits are all around us and very visible when we have spiritual eyes to see them. These spirits contend with God and the saints. They do not want to see the manifestation of the Kingdom of God in authentic signs, miracles and wonders or salvation given through Jesus. Exposing Satanic Oppression Satan hates to be exposed. But for those of us who understand spiritual warfare... It is our duty as ambassadors for Christ to warn and to teach others how to adequat...

The Truth About the Resurrection of Jesus According to the Bible (Matthew 28)/ Rashea@LLO2 Academy

All this time.🤦‍♀️🙃 Have we as Christians,  believers, scholars and theologians declared the resurrection of Jesus accurately? It's imperative to slow down, read, study and meditate on the Scriptures before presenting our finds, facts and the truth to others. Preach and teach with clarity of philosophical and theological thought that stems from divine revelation as we read the Scriptures. Much of our teachings over the years and decades concerning Jesus resurrection has been partially taught and preached with accuracy. We must build an inner awareness of how the Bible explains and reveals the resurrection of Jesus. We must preach from the context of thoroughly understanding the Scriptures, and not proclaim or declare a emotional or misinterpreted knowledge of what we have heard and learned down through the years and decades about the resurrection of Jesus from others. Do we fully understand the resurrection of Jesus? Are our timelines correct according to Jewish custo...

The Kingdom of God- The Cultural Impact of Jesus/ Rashea@LLO2 Academy

And then came Jesus.   The next day John (the Baptist) saw Jesus coming to him, and said, “There is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! -John 1:29 God the Father sent Jesus to the earth (John 3:16; Hebrews 10:7). Jesus submitted  to the will of the Father and came to the earth (2Corinthians 5:19). The earth accepted Jesus into the world to redeem mankind (Luke 1:26-45). God the Father sent Jesus, Jesus submitted to the will of the Father, and the earth accepted God the Father's will to send Jesus to the earth to redeem mankind. .Sent (authorized). .Submitted (advocated). .Accepted (recipient). .God the Father authorized the coming of Jesus to the earth. .Jesus advocated and became the Source of the atonement on mankind's behalf. .The earth accepted God's will and became the recipient of sacrifice and atonement for the sins of the world. The Realm and Seat of Decisions The coming of Jesus to the earth require...

The Kingdom of God- Sonship (Romans 8:15-17)/ Rashea@LLO2 Academy

16 The Holy Spirit affirms and stands as a Witness with our own spirit (inner person) that we are children of God. 17 We are heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ and  through  Christ in life, in blessing, in suffering and in the life to come. -Romans 8 We are sons of God. Sons of God simply means we are children of God. In the Hebrew culture sons were first. Sons had legal rights to the inheritance of the father in the family. So when the Bible accounts both sons and daughters as sons of God, It's implying that both sons and daughters have legal access and rights to the eternal inheritance of God the Father through Jesus Christ. Salvation brings both sons and daughters of God into sonship. "For the Spirit which you have received is not a spirit of slavery to put you once more into bondage to fear being oppressed, but you have received the Spirit of adoption [the Spirit producing sonship ] whereby we cry out, Abba Father (Romans 8:15)!...