The Kingdom of God- Seeking To Know God (Deuteronomy 4:29) Part 2/ Rashea@LLO2 Academy
But if from there you will seek (inquire for and require as necessity) the Lord your God, you will find Him if you truly seek Him with all your heart and mind and soul and life. -Deuternomy 4:29
The prophets and patriarchs had a personal revelation of God that ignited a cultural revolution of revival. To seek God is to see God. To see God is to have a divine revelation that will ignite a divine revolution of revival and regeneration in many souls around the world.
A divine revelation and a divine revolution. They are not compartmentalized. They are conjoined entities of God's vision for the earth and for souls. Heavens forecast: REVIVAL.
Revival always stems from a set time of seeking the presence of God. When God's presence is revealed, God's power is revealed. When God's power is revealed there is always the manifestation of signs, miracles and wonders.
The Bible has a lot to say about seeking God. There are various angles that we can and should observe the continuity and preeminence of seeking to know God. Seeking to see God. The Hebrew meaning for seek (sēk; לְחַפֵּשׂ) is to search, look for, seek, quest, hunt for, examine, require of, inquire.
The Bible says to seek the Lord earnestly. Hunger (build a healthy appetite) for His presence. Seek to build a healthy appetite for His presence, His power and His personhood.
It is imperative that you take personal ownership of your relationship with God through salvation. When you do take personal ownership of your relationship with God you are openly confessing that He is your God. When you seek God you will see God.
When you seek to see God you will find Him. As you seek to see God, He will answer you. Yes, God will be near to you. Seek God with all your effort, energy, time, heart, will, emotions, intellect, body and life force (your spirit)... and you will see Him. Yes, you will find Him (Deuteronomy 4:29).
To seek God is a biblical commandment. We are commanded (instructed, mandated, directed, ordered) to seek God. To seek out is to exhert energy and give effort towards. To seek out requires diligence. The reasons for seeking someone or something out is to find them or to find it. When you seek for someone or something, you are communicating their significance or importance.
Is God significant to you? Is he just a word confession? Or is he a heart confession? The Bible says seek the Lord with all your heart. Therefore, confess your necessity for God from your heart.
God is necessary. God is a vital life Source and a vital life Force to the sustaining of life for every Christian. Well, at least He should be. When we seek God, we will live. When we seek life through God, we will have longevity and a fulfilling life.
Seeking life through God is to ask God His input about our lives and the many moments within our day. "God, what would you have me to do in this circumstance? Lord, navigate me through this circumstance." And whatever God instructs you to do you do it willingly and obediently.
A life yielded to God is a healthy life. A life God leads will be blessed. A heart that seeks God's input will be filled with goodness.
Run to God. Run in the direction of God. "God, where are you," says the heart of the God seeker?
"Here I am," God says to the heart and one that seeks after Him as their vital Source of life and being. Seek God earnestly. Yes, seek and see the God of the seeker.