The Vernacular Mind of God/Rashea@LLO2 Academy
If our minds collectively consist of our thoughts, imagination and intellect, then why am I insisting that the vernacular of one's dialect is an extension of the mind? Well. Because it really is.
The languague that we speak is the direct result of the vernacular of words from a particular nationality of a people that is repetitively rehearsed, pondered and stored in our minds and the brains.
We only speak what we repetitively remember. We speak in the vernacular we have been taught and trained to remember. We can be surrounded by various nationalities, but we can be totally clueless of what others are saying, because we don't know the vernacular.
We have to be taught the language. There has to be verbal contact and an impartation to some degree. We have to study the lauguage that empowers and enables us to speak the languague fluently.
This is true concerning the language of heaven. It is a gift from God. It is a divine impartation that is given to Christian's when they are baptized with the Holy Spirit. Spending time with God in prayer and devotion spontaneously activates and sustains the gift of speaking the language of heaven.
The vernacular of heaven empowers us to speak to God in His origin of language. We don't always know what we are saying to God, but He does. Whatever we are saying causes God to act on our behalf. We see the manifestations of speaking to God in the vernacular of heaven in our lives and around us.
"But we have the mind of Christ." -1Corinthians 2:16
This communicates we have the thoughts of Christ interchangeably active within us rewiring how we think, speak and behave on a daily basis. God is of a divine origin. Therefore, our thoughts, words and actions are of a divine origin when we allow the life of Jesus to live through our very own life.
Jesus is wise. Therefore, we become wise as He is wise. Jesus is an Innovator. Therefore, we, too, become innovators as He is an Innovator. Jesus is Power. Therefore, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we walk in power as Jesus walks in power.
"But we have the mind of Christ." Not to show boat or to deem ourselves superior to others do we possess the mind of Christ. We have the mind of Christ to think on a level that makes us see life a Jesus sees life... entirely and well defined. Intrinsically vast yet understandable by and by.