The Kingdom of God- The Cultural Impact of Jesus/ Rashea@LLO2 Academy

And then came Jesus. The next day John (the Baptist) saw Jesus coming to him, and said, “There is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! -John 1:29

God the Father sent Jesus to the earth (John 3:16; Hebrews 10:7). Jesus submitted to the will of the Father and came to the earth (2Corinthians 5:19). The earth accepted Jesus into the world to redeem mankind (Luke 1:26-45).

God the Father sent Jesus, Jesus submitted to the will of the Father, and the earth accepted God the Father's will to send Jesus to the earth to redeem mankind.

.Sent (authorized).
.Submitted (advocated).
.Accepted (recipient).

.God the Father authorized the coming of Jesus to the earth.

.Jesus advocated and became the Source of the atonement on mankind's behalf.

.The earth accepted God's will and became the recipient of sacrifice and atonement for the sins of the world.

The Realm and Seat of Decisions

The coming of Jesus to the earth required Jesus to make a decision. Jesus had to decide within Himself to voluntarily submit to God the Father's will to come to the earth to atone for the sin of mankind. What sin gave sin mastery over humanity? The sin that gave sin mastery over humanity was disobedience

God commanded mankind not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but mankind disobeyed God's instructions and did eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. One sin committed by mankind gave sin power over humanity. Without the atonement of Jesus on the cross mankind would face eternal destruction. The Bible says, "Jesus became obedient to God's will and willingly sacrificed His own life to redeem humanity from sins mastery and the penalty of sin and eternal destruction (Philippians 2:7-8)."

Jesus decision to heal the human condition and to teach and to give good guidance to the culture around Him was not an emotional reaction but rather a revelatory response that moved Him to act on behalf of the betterment of the people. Jesus saw their condition communicates vision and insight; to see. Seeing their condition moved Jesus to act with compassion. Jesus revelation and response to the human condition brought redemption and resolve to revive the culture

Jesus was a conduit of change. Through Jesus the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of heaven would be established on earth as it is in heaven. Through Jesus miracles, signs and wonders would manifest on a level never seen before.

When making decisions, it is important not to make decisions based on your feelings alone. Feelings (emotional senses) are an indicator that allows you to sort through circumstances or situations more effectively. However, your feelings (emotional senses) can change. 

Our emotional senses coupled with our intellect are helpful when making reasonable decisions. Our decisions should align with revelation, right principles and God's will for our lives. Our decisions should always lead to a better outcome for ourselves and others around us. 

Jesus saw and was moved with compassion. This indicates that God does not ignore the needs of humanity nor does He overlook the human condition. Furthermore, these passages of Scripture reveal that God cares about humanity.

The Physical and Spiritual Senses

The Bible says that Jesus saw the fallen condition of humanity and was moved with compassion (Mark 1:41, 6:34). Jesus Who was conscious of the world saw with His eyes the broken and fallen state of humanity. Seeing the condition of humanity moved Jesus inwardly. Jesus Who was conscience of good and what is good willingly taught the people the virtues of the Kingdom of God.

Jesus saw refers to the physical and revelatory component and ability of mankind.

Jesus moved with compassion refers to the emotional and spiritual senses of mankind.

Jesus responses refer to mankind's ability to help or to change the human condition.

Physical and spiritual senses play a role in our decisions and responses. Jesus did not react to the human condition. Jesus responded to the human condition.

The Culture of Humanity

What is the culture? When we say the culture what is that comprised of? The culture is:

.Society (as a whole proportion of all people groups in a nation).

.The economy (finances, investments, dividends, profit, money, currency, etc.).

.The community (a smaller sect or group of diverse people who are neighbors or people who share similar experiences and beliefs who come together and act as a support system to one another).

.The social and religious pace and pulse of the culture (sharing the same or different personal, political and religious views and expressing them verbally or through one's own actions).

.Individuality (being your own person; having your own makeup or identity; personality traits, experiences and beliefs that shape who you are as a person).


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