What is Satan's 3 headed monster. Is it Satanic? Yes. Is it visible? Yes.
What is it? What is this 3 headed monster that Satan has unleashed on humanity? They are spirits that work individually and together.
The spirit of python, the spirit of cobra and the spirit of the viper are the 3 headed monsters.
The spirit of python is the destroyer of life.
The spirit of the cobra is the militia of corruption.
The spirit of the viper is the religious church (Pharisees; spirit of the anti-Christ; idolatry; mixture).
These spirits are all around us and very visible when we have spiritual eyes to see them. These spirits contend with God and the saints. They do not want to see the manifestation of the Kingdom of God in authentic signs, miracles and wonders or salvation given through Jesus.
Exposing Satanic Oppression
Satan hates to be exposed. But for those of us who understand spiritual warfare... It is our duty as ambassadors for Christ to warn and to teach others how to adequately defend themselves, their faith and others against the demonic forces of hell. Put on the whole armor of God, that you will be able to stand against the wiles, schemes and attacks of the devil (Ephesians 6:11).
We use to teach on spiritual warfare and see it demonstrated. However, over time the church has drifted away from such teachings as a result of fear of the spirit world, believing only certain people are called to contend in spiritual warfare, false teachings and doctrines that tell us spiritual warfare is a thing of the past or unnecessary, or they are just tired.
The church has grown tired and callous to spiritual warfare, because of:
.A lack of prayer, fasting and proper teaching.
.The indoctrination of New Age beliefs.
.Christian's are not being properly equipped to defeat demonic powers.
.Christian's are tired of contending with demonic spirits in order to see the spiritually oppressed set free.
I have come to realize that every crisis, issue and epidemic isn't scientifically based nor should it be. Many things people are dealing with is demonic possession that the church and medicine has labeled as a scientific peril of some sort. When the lame, sick and oppressed came to Jesus... science was not to blame nor was psychology, science and medicine always the cure.
Often times, it was a demonic and spiritual battle in the spirit, soul and body of many that came to Jesus and the apostles. These demonically oppressed came to be healed and made whole by the power and sovereign authority of God (Luke 10:19). Now I am not saying psychology, science and medicine doesn't have their place, because they do. However, at the root of every peril is a spiritual force of hell.
You cannot give a demon counsel, medicine or scientific answers. They will laugh at you. Demonic spirits are not of this world. Therefore, earthly remedies cannot drive out a demon force.
Demons must be cast out in the name of Jesus by Christian believers who not only confess salvation but are:
.Filled and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
.Have a consistent prayer and fasting life.
.Devoted to studying of the Scriptures and those who are sensitive to the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit.
Demons have power. So if you are not practicing these spiritual exercises regularly... I would advise you to abstain from dealing in casting out demons and unclean spirits. After you have cast the demon out and commanded it back to the pits of hell, then you can counsel people and experts can provide scientific and medical treatment as needed.
Listen to me. Counselling, science and medicine often times deals and heals the symptoms. However, Jesus through prayer and the Word of God heals and makes whole the root cause causing the symptoms. Hallelujah!
The Spirit of Python
What is the spirit of python. Python is a serpent. Moreover, python is a serpent of the wild. Python is a species usually found in more tropical areas like jungles and rain forest. Python is an exotic species in human terms.
BUT. However in the spirit realm the spirit of python is a demon. The spirit of python is a spiritual serpent that has the mobility and ability to squeeze its victim. The spirit of pythons goal or agenda is to restrict and squeeze the life source out of your health through sickness and disease, pandemics, epidemics, financial barriers of lack, famine, poverty, debt, bankruptcy, foreclosures, loss of jobs, layoffs, conflict with others until you are destroyed.
The spirit of python is on a Satanic assignment from hell to destroy your health, dreams, vision, relationships, reputation, goals, wealth, purpose, eternal destiny, good success and walk with God. The spirit of python will attack your prayer life and squeeze it through spiritual warfare and life's challenges. The spirit of pythons goal is to get you to stop praying, because prayer is how we receive divine answers and solutions from God.
The Spirit of python is set in your way to keep you from feeling free to pray, worship God or participate in the liberties of your Christian freedom. Do you feel squeezed? Do you feel like Satan is trying to hinder your Christian liberties to pray or worship God? Do you feel like areas of your life are being contended with and restricted? If so, you are dealing with the spirit of python.
The spirit of python is often utilized in occultic rituals and occultic prayers. The spirit of python was utilized by Jezebel and Ahab when they nationally restricted the worship of God in the land by erecting idols of Baal throughout the land and ordaining Baal priests to carry out the rituals. The people were so indoctrinated with idol worship that they did not know who to call God. The Bible says in the book of 1Kings 18:21 that Elijah publicly rebuked the children of Israel and asked them saying, "How long will you bounce back and forth about who is really God." The children of Israel suffered severely with spiritual instability. This is the spirit of python.
Now lets see what other Christian scholars say about the spirit of python.
The python spirit (the subtle destroyer) can squeeze the joy out of your worship and prayers. It can pressure you to keep quiet when God wants you to speak up. And it can steal the peace of knowing that you belong to God. But there is a way to defeat him. You don’t have to become his prey. -Jentezen Franklin
A python spirit is a witchcraft operation coming against your spiritual walk. It desires to silence and suffocate the voice of the prophetic and since we are called to be a prophetic generation it wants to silence you.
On one occasion, as we went to the place of prayer, a servant girl possessed with a spirit of divination met us, who brought her masters much profit by fortune-telling. She followed Paul and us, shouting, “These men are servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation.”
—Acts 16:16–17
The word divination in Greek is referred to as a python.[i] A python spirit in the spiritual realm would correlate to a python snake in the natural. A python kills its prey by constriction and asphyxiation.
...Jezebel and controlling spirits go labor with a python spirit. It is multi-faceted! Don’t assume you are up against one strongman only. You can learn more about strongman spirits in my book, Prophetic Spiritual Warfare. There can be many strongmen.-Kathy DeGraw Ministries
The Spirit of Cobra
The spirit of the cobra is the militia of hell. Those who operate under the influence and oppression of the spirit of the cobra are strategic, aggressive, sly, stubborn, well trained and militant. They are assigned to intimidate their opponents. The spirit of the cobra preys not only on the church, but the government and school systems more than any other mountain or genre.
They are on call. They calculate the steps of those they are assigned to intimidate out of their calling, position or faith in Jesus. They are not friendly at all. Even when they are, it's for the purpose to eventually destroy their prey.
Satan has a military of his own. They are in the church, government, schools, the marketplace, music, arts, communities and the social world. Those operating under the influence of the spirit of the cobra are assigned and designated to study you.
There can be in a crowd, but their eyes and focus is on you the most. There eyes say, "Study and destroy." This strongman is assigned to hinder the anointing and move of God through intimidation through their eye contact, presence, body gestures and conversations.
When you are anointed to move in the five fold ministry the spirit of the cobra will find its way to you. They sense the anointing on your life. Their job is to track you down and stop the anointing from flowing or being seen upon you.
They do not operate alone. They raise up a militia fleet of their own. They plant negative seeds in others minds about you. The spirit of the cobra is a militant seducing spirits that partners with the the spirit of python to destroy the church of God and the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
Let's see what other scholars have to say about the spirit of the cobra.
Please note: According to the Bible cobras are a venomous, dangerous and deadly species.
Additionally, they are considered protectors, particularly in ancient Egyptian mythology, where the cobra goddess Wadjet served as a guardian to pharaohs.
.Symbol of transformation and renewal through shedding of old skin.
.Representation of power, authority, and fearlessness.
.Cultural and mythological significance in ancient Egypt, Hinduism, and other belief systems.
.Association with protection, guardianship, and divine presence.
(Reference: Spiritual Desk)
Isaiah 11:8Verse Concepts
The nursing child will play by the hole of the cobra,
And the weaned child will put his hand on the viper’s den.
Deuteronomy 32:33Verse Concepts
“Their wine is the venom of serpents,
And the deadly poison of cobras.
Psalm 58:4Verse Concepts
They have venom like the venom of a serpent;
Like a deaf cobra that stops up its ear,
Job 20:14-16Yet his food in his stomach is changed
To the venom of cobras within him.
“He swallows riches,
But will vomit them up;
God will expel them from his belly.
“He sucks the poison of cobras;
The viper’s tongue slays him.
Psalm 91:13Verse Concepts
You will tread upon the lion and cobra,
The young lion and the serpent you will trample down.
(Reference: Knowing Jesus
Let me ask you. What are you transforming into Christ or a Cobra?👀 Cobra's in ancient Egypt were handled and tamed by women in power and Egyptian magicians.
Today you will often see the cobra spirit accompanying women in power. They are empowered to protect and to guard her reign at all cost and to protect the reign of serving officials through intimidation, control and witchcraft. Those operating in the cobra spirit have some level of rank and power. They can be both males and females. If you have seen this or experienced this, you are dealing with the spirit of the cobra.
The Spirit of the Viper
Naturally speaking, a viper is real, venomous and deadly. Many Christian's and people have not spiritually survived the attacks of the viper. The viper is aggressive, pressing and audacious. It does not spare its victims.
So, what is a viper spiritually? The Bible refers to the pharisees as vipers. The spirit of viper is a Pharisee religious spirit.
The spirit of viper is indoctrinated with manmade traditions which they substitute for the Word of God. These manmade traditions appease and pacify lukewarm Christianity. These manmade traditions are correlated to pollute and dilute the Word of God to avoid being truly held accountable by the Word of God.
Religious leaders know the Word of God, but thet do not practice the moral principles of God's Word that demonstrate a heart transformation. They do just enough to maintain both a form of godliness and their conformity to secularism. They become easily angered and outraged, full of venom when confronted about their hypocrisies.
Yes, hypocrisies. Jesus was righteously indignant with the hypocrisies of the Pharisees. They were outright hypocrites.
They are religiously indoctrinated but unchanged in their hearts. What deceives many people is a person's ability to perform religious sacraments. They know how to perform church protocols well, but they are not Christ centered born again believers at all.
The religious church binds many church goers and Christians to laws and protocols that they themselves do not practice.👀 You mess up, and you are penalized. They mess up, and it's no big deal. God understands.🙃👀
John the Baptist was outraged at the pious attitudes and judgments of the Pharisees. In his outrage he exclaimed, "How dare you come here acting as if you are saved. Do you not fear the judgment of God that will come upon you? Repent, and live a life that demonstrates salvation (Matthew 3:6-8; Luke 3:6-9)."
Much of Jesus' peril came not from the world or from the Roman government. Much of Jesus' peril, resistance and conflict came from the religious church that oppossed the gospel of Jesus Christ and the demonstration of the Kingdom of God.
Do you know why the Pharisees, Sadducees and scribes resisted and persecuted Jesus? The Bible says, "They conspired against Jesus, because He was becoming more popular than them.🤦♀️ They conspired against Jesus, because He demonstrated the authenticity of the Kingdom of God which they failed to do. They conspired and persecuted Jesus, because He threatened their wealth and positions, because of His growing popularity and His message concerning the Kingdom of God that He preached and demonstrated among them.
Jesus was so vexed with the spiritual venom and condition of religious leaders in the church that He personally rebuked them openly and warned them of the judgment to come, as a result of their blatant hypocrisies. WOE, he said. REPENT! (Genesis 3; Matthew 23; John 8:44-47).
Jesus Sovereign Rebuke and Judgment
.The spirit of the viper is religious & unethical within while displaying outward forms of religious practices.
.The spirit of the viper purposely hinders the move of God and others abilities to worship God freely in private and in public settings.
.The spirit of the viper destroys others mercilessly, while attempting to pray extensively. They overexert their prayers to disguise their violence and evil dealings.
.The spirit of the viper is willing to travel over land and sea to raise up and to train apprentices who are more wicked and cruel than themselves. Jesus called them children of hell.🙃👀
.The spirit of the viper is well scripted in the Scriptures, but they have no spiritual life or sap within themselves. They are not real Christians.
.The spirit of the viper is spiritually and morally blind. They lead themselves and others into a snare or worse- hell. 👀
.The spirit of the viper is full of financial contempt and greed. It will oppress and sabotage others just to maintain wealth and to get ahead.
.The spirit of the viper pays tithes and offering, but it neglects to uphold the moral law of justice, mercy and fidelity. "And for this their tithe and offering is rejected by God. -Malachai 3
.The spirit of the viper isn't saved. It is religious prone. A person operating in the spirit of the viper is not transformed by the power of God internally. Church is nothing more than performance and a practice of outward religious duty.👀
.The spirit of the viper in the eye sight of God is likened to a dead man walking.🙃👀
.The spirit of the viper has a long history of destroying and attempting to destroy the lives and voices of God's prophets, pastors and apostles dating back to the Old Testament.👀
In the end the spirit of viper is spiritually forsaken by God and left destitute of God's help and inheriting the Kingdom of heaven.
(Reference: Matthew 23)
Are you contending with his spirit? Do you see these characteristics happening around you? If you are and if you do, you are contending with the spirit of the viper.
The 3 headed monster of hell is real. These are 3 distinct spirits with a demonic personality that have the ability to work alone or simultaneously together. The Holy Spirit revealed to me that these are fallen angels of rank who operate in roles, power and personalities that are opposite of what they possessed while in heaven before their dethroning, dismantling and apostasy. (Isaiah 14; Ezekiel 28; Revelation 12:7-12.)
We the saints are to fervently pray against this apostasy attempting to overtake the body of Christ in our nation and around the world. These spirits are empowered and the forerunners of the spirit of the Anti-Christ and the coming of the man who will rise to power as the Anti-Christ during the tribulation era. The church of God can restrain the takeover spirit of python, cobra and viper, as we contend in prayer, live holy and submit our lives to the Holy Spirit to the resurrection and rapture of the saints, through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.