The Kingdom of God-The Vindication of God (Deuteronomy 32:35)/ Rashea@LLO2 Academy
Is anger a sin? Yes and no. We all get upset and sometimes angry over certain events we experience or see other's injustly endure. Anger is a human emotion that we all have felt and feel from time to time.
Anger in and of itself is not a sin. The Bible says that even God on several occasions was furious with mankind and the children of Israel with a righteous indignation, because of their prevailing rebellion, disobedience and unbelief. God does not punish us because we experience the feeling of anger. God judges the sinful acts of malice, jealousy, violence, quarreling, vice and division that is the result of anger that is not tempered with forgiveness and godly Wisdom, love, peace and unity through prayer, the word of God and a conscience decision to do things God's way (the right way).
Anger that leads to violence, abuse or intentional harm is sinful. Anger should leads us to pray not scheme, manipulate, violate the rights of others or violate rules set in place to keep everyone safe and cohesive. The Bible clearly says, anger but sin not (Ephesians 4:26-27). The Bible also says, don't even allow yourself to get angry (Psalms 37:8).
However, anger is not always easily extinguished. Now is it? God says, when you feel this level of anger... give the situation over to me or ask for the help of others who can help you resolve the situation God's way (Deuteronomy 32:35).
God despises anger that leads to violence, injustice, manipulation, division, contention and stress (Galatians 6:19-21). Anger that leads to sin gets God upset when it is intentional. The Bible calls this righteous indignation or the wrath of God (Romans 3:1-20). The Bible says, Who shall escape the wrath of God (Romans 1:18; Ephesians 5:3-7)?
The Bible goes on to say, "It is a terrible thing to call into the hands of an angry God that can destroy both body and soul in hell (Matthew 10:28; Hebrews 10:31). The Bible also says, who will stop God when He is ready to act (Isaiah 14:27)?"
We deem God as weak because of the covenant of grace. However, God is still the same God. He is the God of justice.
God is just when he vindicates evil and anger leading to sin. God is not passing judgment on the person per say. God is passing judgment on the sin that the person has committed that violates the moral laws of God. Jesus Himself said, I do not judge you. The Word that I have spoken has passed judgment upon you (John 12:48).π
When we violate the Word of God continually, we will be judged by that same Word. The Apostle Paul asked a good question, "Shall we continue blatantly sinning just because grace has been established? Absolutely not (Romans 6:1-3)!" We are commanded to crucify and abstain from willful sin (Romans 8:12-13).
Grace is available for the moments we fall short on occasion but not on a regular basis.ππ When your child keeps doing what you asked them not to do, what do you do? You reprimand them. Right? Well, when we keep doing what the Holy Spirit and the Word of God instructs us not to do, God reprimands us through people, places and things. Justly. Right? Absolutely.
A good parent is not reprimanding their child just to be mean. A good parent reprimands their child or children, because they violated rules that were set in place to keep them and others safe. Makes sense?ππΎπ―
God instructs us to allow Him to avenge us, because unlike our revenge, His vindication will be justifiable. God's justice is based on the whole picture, our thoughts, hidden motivations, what was done, how it was done and why it was done or said. We do not always see the whole picture as clearly as God sees it. Most times we judge and react on the basis of our opinions, compulsions, thoughts, beliefs and emotions which is 3D living. This often times leads to trouble more than resolve.
Whatever and whoever God utilizes to bring forth His vindication is the result of Him seeing all things as ominpresent. God's vindication often times leads to repentance and some level of resolve. God's vindication leads to peace and righteousness not sin and willful destruction.