Life In My 40's for KU Ladies... Living A Life of Faith- Devotional Reflections 1(December Edition)/ Rashea@LLO2 Academy

Devotional Scripture:  To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot see yet. -Hebrews 11:1

Honest Reflections: In those moments when life is bleak, opportunities are few, far and in-between and you are living from day to day hopeful for a breakthrough, a miracle, peace and a complete turn around in your life, you can't lose heart. The people around you maybe doubtful and even hurtful at times. Circumstances appear to portray a different reality than what God has shown you and what your dreams are, but remain in faith. Listen to the voices of those that tell you, "You can make it. We did. We are here for you. We will get through this together." 

Yes, lean on those faithful few. Those who come around you without looking down on you, who hold you accountable yet express mutual understanding and compassion. They are faith boosters in the darkest of nights, light in the brightest of days. They are friends and confidants in the middle of the journey, as you leave from where you are and navigate to brighter days ahead.

I know that place ladies. I have been there a few times myself in life, but you can't lose hope. Lean on your faith. Press into the  presence of God, not the fear, the discouragement, the weariness, the frustration, the battles that you face or the stress of holding on to your dreams, to what God said will happen.

Life will turn around by and by. Now faith. Only believe and do not doubt.


1. To be persistent in ____________________.

2. To overcome the prevailing exhaustion of ______________________.

3. Take steps of faith in ___________________.

4. See victory in ___________________.

Personal Devotional Affirmation: 

I have faith in God, in myself and in my journey. I am growing daily in my faith through my experiences and personal relationship with God. 

As I trust God and see the evidence of His power working in and through my life and in and through the lives of others, faith is taking root in my heart.

Although my faith is constantly tried, pruned and reinforced, I believe God. God is demonstrating His power in my life. I know that God loves me. 

"With God all things are possible."

My faith has been tested. It is refined and defined by God's love and grace. My faith in God is reviving the fragile places in my life and within my soul.

I daily behold the faithfulness of God in action. My faith gives me a renewed hope. Through faith, God is changing the trajectory of not only my life but the lives of others around me. Faith in my 40's teaches me to despise not small beginnings nor the fear of starting over, because God is in the details of every new beginning, new chapter, new dream, and new destination in my life.
In Jesus name, amen.


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